The Ethics is a duo for two men, a young man and an old man.
It is built in a dialogue, between body and speech, and makes two complementary narratives cross :
one, physical, is a "pas de deux" from which ambiguous, fragile and powerful images emerge.
The other, discursive, mixes philosophical considerations and life stories to unfold a reflection on ethics, empowerment and minority systems of representation.
Production: Cie acps
Co-production: Klap/Maison pour la Danse de Marseille, Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier
Choreography and design: Matthieu Hocquemiller
With : Patrice Desmons and Pierre Emö
Shooting and Video Direction : Magali Laroche
Music: Benjamin Collier
Light: Abigail Fowler
Administration: Copy
With the support of DRAC Occitanie -Ministry of Culture and Communication, Region Occitanie, City of Montpellier.
Jerk Off Festival - Carreau du Temple - Paris

On September 15 and 16, 2021 we will create L'Ethique at the Carreau du Temple de Paris as part of the Jerk Off Festival.
L'Ethique à Montpellier Danse les 16,17 et 18 Novembre

The Ethics is a duo for two men, a young man and an old man.
It is built in a dialogue, between body and speech, and makes two complementary narratives cross :
one, physical, is a "pas de deux" from which ambiguous, fragile and powerful images emerge.
The other, discursive, mixes philosophical considerations and life stories to unfold a reflection on ethics, empowerment and minority systems of representation.