Le Corps du Roi (The King's Body)
At the beginning, it was a question of reviving a founding work of French opera culture, the "Ballet comique de la Reine "*.
From the score of this ballet opens a dialogue between Mimi and Mathieu. They reflect on the figure of the king, the famous "two bodies", the real body and the political body, and the crime of lese-majesty.
The historical and theoretical notions raised by Le Ballet intersect with personal elements.
Both of them have often been confronted with the normative violence.
Mimi, for example, had to flee Thailand under the law article punishing the crime of lese-majesty...
Accompanied by the emblematic figure of Circé, the witch goddess of metamorphosis, they engage in a digressive reflection on the power of representations, normative violence and the creation of dissidences.
It is considered one of the founding shows of French opera culture, and the first to have its score published.
This Ballet tells the story of the battle of the Gods led by Jupiter, representing order, against Circe, witch goddess, representing disorder.
Realisation : Matthieu Hocquemiller
With : Mathieu Jedrazak and Mimi Aum Neko
Light : Will Guez
Production : Cie acps and Klap/Maison pour la Danse de Marseille.
Le Corps du Roi (The King's Body)

Création au KLAP/Maison pour la danse de Marseille le 13 Avril 2018 du duo "Le Corps du Roi"
- Le 07 Juillet 18 au What the Fuck Fest de Paris (Cirque Electrique)
- Le 14 Septembre 18 au Jerk Off Festival de Paris (Carreau du Temple)
- Le 29 Septembre 18 de retour au Klap/Maison pour la danse de Marseille
- Le Vendredi 02 Novembre 18 au SNAP Fest (Sex Workers Narratives Arts and Politics) Point FMR/Paris
- Les 08 et 09 Avril 19 au TAP de Poitiers, Festival A Corps
- Le 05 Mai 19 au Queer Festival de Heidelberg
- Le 12 Décembre 19. Théâtre Le Périscope. Nîmes
- Le 21 Janvier 2020. Maison de La Culture de Amiens.