Auto-Porn Box project is a series of short and solo performances related to sexual issues.
Each «Auto-Porn Box» is a form of documentary and performative self-portrait that thus «focuses» on a
«performer» and offers insight into a unique sexual world and journey.
Conception, artistic direction : Matthieu Hocquemiller
With : Marianne Chargois, Kay Garnellen, Matthieu Hocquemiller, Tom, Camille Mutel
Light design : William Guez
Support : Humain Trop humain - National Dramatic Center of Montpellier
The creation have been supported by DRAC Languedoc-Roussillon, Region Languedoc-Roussillon, Ville of Montpellier, Département of Hérault.
Residencies : Humain Trop humain - National Dramatic Center of Montpellier, La Ménagerie de Verre of Paris (Studiolabs)
Creation : 22nd and 23th may 2015 during the Festival Explicit in Humain Trop humain - National Dramatic Center of Montpellier
Diffusion : some of the "Auto-porn box" have been presented in Festival of Sexualities - FDS of Lausanne, Festival Jerk Off of Paris ("Il faut qu'on en parle" at the Point Ephémére), Theater Trois C-L of Luxembourg, humain Trop humain - National Dramatic Center of Montpellier, Lavoir public of Lyon during Only porn festival...